俄亥俄州哥伦布市aqugold Facial | Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


Aquagold Facial Columbus, Ohio



The Aquagold Facial is a medical-grade skin treatment that acts as an excellent alternative to more invasive solutions. This innovative, in-office procedure combines microneedling and micro-infusion to nourish, 从内部给你的皮肤补水和恢复活力. Discover the transformative benefits of the Aquagold Facial and experience a more radiant and rejuvenated complexion!




  • 增强皮肤水分: The micro-infusion of hyaluronic acid and other hydrating ingredients deeply moisturizes the skin, 从而改善皮肤纹理, 丰满和整体水合.
  • 改善肤色和纹理:定制的维他命混合物, 抗氧化剂和生长因子有助于改善肤色, 减少细纹和皱纹的出现, 增强皮肤整体质感.
  • 促进胶原蛋白生成: The microneedling aspect of the Aquagold Facial stimulates the skin’s natural collagen production, 促进更牢固, 更有弹性的皮肤和年轻的肤色.
  • 更大孔隙细化: The microchannels created during the treatment can help to minimize the appearance of enlarged pores, 使皮肤更加光滑细腻.
  • 可定制的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网: The Aquagold device allows for precise customization and your choice of infusion, enabling our providers to tailor the treatment to your unique skin concerns and goals.


每次咨询期间, Tatjana will discuss concerns with patients to identify their exact needs and customize the solution used for their session. 最受欢迎的注射剂包括:

  • 01

    Cytocare 516

    含有透明质酸的肽, 它用于丰满和减少皱纹和细纹.

    透明质酸与皮肤内的水分子结合, restoring hydration by moisturizing from the inside while preventing further damage from oxidative stress. 细胞护理516恢复脱水, 面部皮肤暗沉,使皮肤看起来柔软, 更光滑更年轻.

  • 02


    Used to decrease pore size, reduce redness, and improve both acne and rosacea.

    当以这种更稀释和表面剂量使用时, 结果是皮肤看起来更光滑, 改善肤色. Botox is the only recognized treatment that has an actual physical effect on pore size.

  • 03


    Used to provide extra hyaluronic acid, Juvéderm adds volume to the facial tissue.

    Juvéderm 保持水分和保湿, it is a gel-like substance that absorbs water and brings deep skin hydration to the treated areas resulting in improved firmness, 弹性和平滑度.

  • 04

    CBD Oil

    用于其抗炎特性, 皮肤上的CBD油可以减少浮肿, swelling, 甚至疼痛.

    CBD also has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties which help to soothe irritated, 皮肤发痒、发红. Many patients report that it can actually further provide pain relief for facial soreness during skin condition flare-ups

  • 05

    Vitamin B12


    Vitamin B12 helps to regulate the production of pigment in the skin, 帮助防止黑斑和色素沉着. Vitamin B12 also assists the body with the metabolism of protein which, in turn, promotes the growth of healthy skin cells and helps to repair damaged skin.


另一个好处是? 几乎没有疼痛与此过程有关! 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台事先被麻醉以确保最大程度的舒适. The needling device is made up of 24-karat gold-plated needles that are smaller than the size of a hair follicle. 穿过这些针, the solution is delivered directly into a deeper dermis which allows for optimal absorption.

针以重叠的方式压入皮肤, 在选定的区域均匀地传递澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.


We use the Aquagold Fine Touch microchannel device to deliver small droplets of a custom-mixed solution into the skin. 这种方法允许伟大的

er absorption of the active ingredients while also stimulating collagen production. The microchannel tool allows for customized treatments for individual patients to correct issues such as fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, uneven skin tone, 皮肤弹性下降,面部体积减少.

After the Aquagold Facial, your skin may appear slightly red or flushed, similar to a mild sunburn. However, any redness is completely natural and usually subsides within a few hours to a day. Our team will provide you with specific post-treatment instructions, 包括护肤品来增强和保持效果.

Patients will notice a more youthful appearance with little downtime after the procedure. The microneedles stimulate the renewal of cells which helps to enhance the results. This is a simple treatment performed right in our office that typically takes less than 30 minutes.

澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网几天后,效果会很明显. The procedure can be repeated every few months in order to continue to improve the overall appearance of your skin.

维持水金面膜的效果, our providers typically recommend a series of treatments spaced over several months. 他们还将提供指导 个性化护肤方案 巩固和延长澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的好处.


We invite you to experience the ultimate in skin rejuvenation with the Aquagold Facial. This revolutionary micro-infusion treatment delivers customized solutions deep into the skin, 促进水化, 改善肤质,增强皮肤整体健康. 预约今天的咨询,让明天的你更加容光焕发!


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